Cases and decisions citing the Victorian Reports and Victorian Law Reports
The following list extracts all known citations by Australian and selected international courts of decisions published in the Victorian Reports or Victorian Law Reports. This information is extracted from the JADE Knowledge Graph and is published in this blog each week. Users of the Victorian Reports website are able to see these citations in near real time in the margin or at the top of the page of each cited report.
There were 66 mentions of Victorian Reports and Victorian Law Reports in the period from 02 December 2024 to 08 December 2024.
Ghosh v Ghosh [2024] VSCA 294 (2 December 2024)
(BEACH JA)mentionsD A Christie v Baker [1996] 2 VR 582
(Brooking, Hayne and Charles JJA)Barclay v Trustees of the Marist Brothers (Ruling) [2024] VCC 1859 (28 November 2024)
(HER HONOUR JUDGE K L BOURKE)mentionsRoman Catholic Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Sale v WCB (2020) 62 VR 234
(Beach, Kaye and Osborn JJA)Di Carlo v Bar Association of Queensland [2024] QCAT 515 (4 November 2024 (order) 30 November 2021 (reasons))
(Justice Mellifont, President)mentionsLawson (a pseudonym) v Bain (a pseudonym) (Ruling) [2024] VCC 1865 (29 November 2024)
(HER HONOUR JUDGE MAGEE)mentionsKaplan v Lee-Archer (2007) 15 VR 405
(Buchanan, Vincent and Nettle, JJA)DPP v El Cheikh [2024] VCC 1879 (21 November 2024)
(HIS HONOUR JUDGE MOGLIA)mentionsBerichon v The Queen (2013) 40 VR 490
(Redlich and Priest JJA and Robson AJA)DPP v Bradshaw [2024] VCC 1891 (7 November 2024)
(HIS HONOUR JUDGE DEMPSEY)mentionsR v Verdins (2007) 16 VR 269
(Maxwell P; Eames and Neave JJA)DPP v Holder (2014) 41 VR 467
(Maxwell P, Neave and Redlich JJA)Director of Public Prosecutions (Cth) v Thomas, Director of Public Prosecutions (Cth) v Wu (2016) 53 VR 546
(Redlich, Santamaria and McLeish JJA)DPP v Fabris [2024] VCC 1866 (20 November 2024)
(HER HONOUR JUDGE ELLIS)mentionsR v Verdins (2007) 16 VR 240
(Maxwell P, Buchanan and Vincent JJA)Environment Protection Authority v Sydney Water Corporation [2024] NSWLEC 130 (29 November 2024)
(Pain J)mentionsR v Storey [1998] 1 VR 359
(Winneke P; Brooking, Hayne and Callaway JJA; Southwell AJA)Brady v NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited in its capacity as trustee of the MLC Super Fund (No 4) [2024] FCA 1374 (2 December 2024)
(MARKOVIC J)mentionsRe HEST Australia Ltd (2021) 66 VR 338
(Button J)Karger v Paul [1984] VR 161
(McGarvie J)Alcoa of Australia Retirement Plan Pty Ltd v Frost (2012) 36 VR 618
(Nettle, Redlich JJA and Davies AJA)Caroline Elizabeth Wareham and Martin Wareham (as trustees of the Swanson Superannuation Fund) v Riccardo Giacomo Marsella (both personally and as executor of the estate of Helen Freeth Marsella (also known as. (2020) 61 VR 262
(Tate, McLeish and Hargrave JJA)Invensys Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd v Austrac Investments Ltd (2006) 15 VR 87
(Byrne J)O'Connell v Nixon (2007) 16 VR 440
(Chernov, Nettle and Redlich JJA)R v XH [2024] ACTSC 370 (19 November 2024)
(Loukas-Karlsson J)mentionsDPP (Cth) v Garside (2016) 50 VR 800
(Redlich, Priest and Beach JJA)R v Verdins (2007) 16 VR 240
(Maxwell P, Buchanan and Vincent JJA)Boulton v The Queen (2014) 46 VR 308
(Maxwell P, Nettle, Neave, Redlich and Osborn JJA)Romeo v Commissioner of Police, NSW Police Force [2024] NSWCATAD 364 (03 December 2024)
(K Mobbs, Senior Member)mentionsDirector of Public Prosecutions v Smith [1991] 1 VR 63
(Kaye, Fullagar and Ormiston JJ)Chiropractic Board of Australia v Jennings (Corrected) (Review and Regulation) [2024] VCAT 1050 (21 October 2024)
(A. Dea, Senior Member and Presiding Member; Dr B. Draper, Health Practitioner Member; Dr M. El Moussalli, Health Practitioner Member)mentionsR v Verdins (2007) 16 VR 240
(Maxwell P, Buchanan and Vincent JJA)R v Koeleman (2000) 2 VR 20
(Tadgell, Callaway and Buchanan, Jj.A)XY v UV [2024] QCA 244 (3 December 2024)
(Mullins P, Boddice JA and Martin SJA)mentionsState of Victoria v Seal Rocks Victoria (Australia) Pty Ltd (2001) 3 VR 1
(Ormiston, Phillips and Buchanan, Jj.A)Fusca v The King [2024] VSCA 297 (3 December 2024)
(WALKER and T FORREST JJA)mentionsDPP v Oksuz (2015) 47 VR 731
(Redlich and Kyrou JJA and Croucher AJA)Adamson v The Queen (2015) 47 VR 268
(Warren CJ and Redlich and Weinberg JJA)Stephens v The Queen (2016) 50 VR 740
(Redlich, Santamaria and Beach JJA)Stephens v The Queen (2016) 76 MVR 90
(Redlich, Santamaria and Beach JJA)R v Sener [1998] 3 VR 749
(Phillips CJ; Callaway and Batt JJA)Clarkson v The Queen (2011) 32 VR 361
(Maxwell ACJ, Nettle, Neave, Redlich and Harper JJA)Tognolini v The Queen (2011) 32 VR 104
(Maxwell P, Buchanan and Redlich JJA)Harper v Harper [2024] NSWSC 1540 (02 December 2024)
(Richmond J)mentionsUnion Fidelity Trustee Co of Australia v Gibson [1971] VR 573
(GILLARD, J)Claire Rewais and Osama Rewais t/as McVitty Grove v BPB Earthmoving Pty Ltd (No 2) [2024] NSWSC 1555 (03 December 2024)
(McGrath J)mentionsHazeldene's Chicken Farm Pty Ltd v Victorian Workcover Authority (No 2) (2005) 13 VR 435
(Warren, C.J, Maxwell, P., Harper, A.J.A)Macaulay v Macaulay [2024] NSWSC 1547 (03 December 2024)
(Hmelnitsky J)mentionsFlinn v Flinn [1999] 3 VR 712
(Brooking, Charles and Batt, Jj.A)Donis v Donis (2007) 19 VR 577
(Maxwell ACJ, Nettle and Ashley JJA)Attorney General of New South Wales v Cooper (by his tutor Stephen Stuart) (Final) [2024] NSWSC 1545 (03 December 2024)
(McNaughton J)mentionsDPP (Cth) v D'Alessandro (2010) 26 VR 477
(Redlich and Harper JJA and Williams AJA)R v Coffey (2003) 6 VR 543
(Callaway, Buchanan and Eames, Jj.A)Nevenka Dmitrovic v Branka Kleut [2024] NSWSC 1541 (03 December 2024)
(McGrath J)mentionsFlinn v Flinn [1999] 3 VR 712
(Brooking, Charles and Batt, Jj.A)Donis v Donis (2007) 19 VR 577
(Maxwell ACJ, Nettle and Ashley JJA)Re Lauer, Deceased [1984] VR 180
(Young CJ)Re KL (No 2) [2024] VSC 741 (29 November 2024)
(Elliott J)mentionsR v ALH (2003) 6 VR 276
(Callaway and Batt, Jj.A and Cummins, A.J.A)Mitrov Homes Pty Ltd v Mustafa (No 4) [2024] VSC 740 (28 November 2024)
(Connock J)mentionsLuxmore Pty Ltd v Hydedale Pty Ltd (2008) 20 VR 481
(Maxwell P and Kellam JA)Rose v The King [2024] VSCA 296 (3 December 2024)
(WALKER and T FORREST JJA)mentionsDPP v Meyers (2014) 44 VR 486
(Maxwell P, Redlich and Osborn JJA)Hogarth v The Queen (2012) 37 VR 658
(Maxwell P, Neave JA and Coghlan AJA)R v Mills [1998] 4 VR 235
(Phillips CJ; Charles and Batt JJA)Azzopardi v The Queen (2011) 35 VR 43
(Redlich JA, Coghlan and Macaulay Ajja)Andrianakis v Uber Technologies Inc and Others (Settlement Approval) [2024] VSC 733 (2 December 2024)
(Matthews J)mentionsBotsman v Bolitho (No 1) (2018) 57 VR 68
(Tate, Whelan and Niall JJA)Uber Technologies Incorporated (4849283) & Ors (according to the attached Schedule) v NICOS Andrianakis (2020) 61 VR 580
(Niall, Hargrave and Emerton JJA)Owners Corporation Plan No SP034661K v Stonnington CC [2024] VCAT 1135 (2 December 2024)
(Judith Perlstein, Presiding Member; Sarah Porritt, Member)mentionsWolfe v Freijahs' Holdings [1988] VR 1017
(Tadgell J)DPP v Kirk (a pseudonym) [2024] VCC 1899 (22 October 2024)
(HIS HONOUR JUDGE ROZEN)mentionsR v Verdins (2007) 16 VR 269
(Maxwell P; Eames and Neave JJA)R v Mills [1998] 4 VR 235
(Phillips CJ; Charles and Batt JJA)Boulton v The Queen (2014) 46 VR 308
(Maxwell P, Nettle, Neave, Redlich and Osborn JJA)MOFFA v STARR (No 2) [2024] SASC 132 (21 November 2024)
(Judgment of the Honourable Justice B Doyle)mentionsRe Cassidy, Deceased [1979] VR 369
(LUSH, J)Templeton v. Leviathan Pty. Ltd. [1922] VLR 90
([Coram KNOX, C.J., HIGGINS AND STARKE, JJ.])LUCA v ECKERT (No 2) [2024] SASCA 136 (27 November 2024)
(The Honourable President Livesey, the Honourable Justice S Doyle and the Honourable Justice David)mentionsEdwards v Edwards (2009) 25 VR 40
(Forrest J)ZHOU v KOH [2024] SADC 152 (21 November 2024)
(Judgment of her Honour Judge Deuter)mentionsCameron v McBain [1948] VLR 245
(HERRING C.J.)Buckley v The Herald & Weekly Times Pty Ltd (2009) 24 VR 129
(Nettle, Ashley and Weinberg JJA)Bolwell Fibreglass v Foley [1984] VR 97
(Young CJ; Kaye and Brooking JJ)LEGAL PROFESSION CONDUCT COMMISSIONER v BELPERIO (No 2) [2024] SASCA 133 (22 November 2024)
mentionsGeneral Television Corporation Pty Ltd v Director of Public Prosecutions (2008) 19 VR 68
(Warren CJ, Vincent and Kellam JJA)WEQ v Medical Board of Australia (2021) 69 VR 1
(Kyrou and McLeish JJA)Kay v Tasmania [2024] TASCCA 13 (27 November 2024)
(Pearce J, Marshall AJ, Porter AJ)mentionsR v Downie and Dandy [1998] 2 VR 517
(Phillips CJ; Callaway and Batt JJA)R v Koumis (2008) 18 VR 434
(Redlich and Kellam JJA and Osborn AJA)BIF23 v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs [2024] HCA 44 (4 December 2024)
(SMITH, J)Vishniakov v Lay (2019) 58 VR 375
(Derham AsJ)Slaveski v Victoria (2009) 25 VR 160
(Kyrou J)Kyriackou v Law Institute of Victoria Ltd (2014) 45 VR 540
(Warren CJ, Osborn JA and Ginnane AJA)Dal Tio v Victorian Workcover Authority [2024] VCC 1884 (3 December 2024)
(HER HONOUR JUDGE MAGEE)mentionsPetkovski v Galletti [1994] 1 VR 436
(Brooking, Southwell and Teague JJ)AG Staff Pty Ltd v Filipowicz; Arnold Ribbon Co Pty Ltd v Filipowicz (2012) 34 VR 309
(Mandie and Bongiorno JJA, Kyrou AJA)R J Gilbertsons Pty Ltd v Skorsis (2000) 12 VR 386
(Winneke, P., Buchanan and Chernov, Jj.A)Markos v Transport Accident Commission [2024] VCC 1933 (4 December 2024)
(HIS HONOUR JUDGE FRAATZ)mentionsHumphries v Poljak [1992] 2 VR 129
(Crockett, McGarvie and Southwell JJ)Moore v Barwon Health [2024] FCA 1387 (25 November 2024)
(DOWLING J)mentionsUber Technologies Incorporated (4849283) & Ors (according to the attached Schedule) v NICOS Andrianakis (2020) 61 VR 580
(Niall, Hargrave and Emerton JJA)St Luke Shopping Centre Pty Ltd v Port Phillip CC (Corrected) [2024] VCAT 1148 (4 December 2024)
(Megan Carew, Member; Stephen Axford, Member)mentionsMondib Group Pty Ltd v Moonee Valley City Council (2021) 71 VR 45
(Niall JA)Dal Broi v Nicholas James Lawyers Pty Ltd (Costs) [2024] VSC 755 (4 December 2024)
(Quigley J)mentionsYara Australia Pty Ltd v Oswal (2013) 41 VR 302
(Redlich and Priest JJA and Macaulay AJA)MCKENZIE -v- DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS [2024] WASC 435 (S) (4 DECEMBER 2024)
(SEAWARD J)mentionsLynch v Hargrave [1971] VR 99
(Young CJ; Anderson and Gobbo JJ)R v Kotzmann [1999] 2 VR 123
(Phillips, C.J, Callaway and Batt, Jj.A)Khan v Host-Plus Pty Ltd and Anor [2024] VCC 1640 (15 November 2024)
(HER HONOUR JUDGE TRAN)mentionsHannover Life Re of Australasia Ltd v Colella (2014) 47 VR 1
(Ashley and Beach JJA and Garde AJA)Karger v Paul [1984] VR 161
(McGarvie J)Alcoa of Australia Retirement Plan Pty Ltd v Frost (2012) 36 VR 618
(Nettle, Redlich JJA and Davies AJA)Bata v Reetaj Investments Pty Ltd and Ors [2024] VCC 1900 (2 December 2024)
(HER HONOUR JUDGE A RYAN)mentionsViterra Malt Pty Ltd v Cargill Australia Ltd (2023) 74 VR 1
(Sifris, Walker and Whelan JJA)CDPP v Moody [2024] VCC 1886 (22 November 2024)
(HER HONOUR JUDGE ELLIS)mentionsR v Verdins (2007) 16 VR 269
(Maxwell P; Eames and Neave JJA)Nguyen v The Queen (2011) 31 VR 673
(Maxwell P and Redlich JA)DPP v Salmon [2024] VCC 1904 (26 November 2024)
(HIS HONOUR JUDGE WRAIGHT)mentionsArthars v The Queen (2013) 39 VR 613
(Redlich and Coghlan JJA and T Forrest AJA)Babicka v ASD Corporation Australia Pty Ltd & Anor (No 2) [2024] VSC 751 (5 December 2024)
(GARDE J)mentionsMcFadzean v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (2007) 20 VR 250
(Warren CJ, Nettle and Redlich JJA)Giolla & Giolla (No 3) [2024] FedCFamC1F 693 (15 October 2024)
(WILSON J)mentionsEva v Charles Davis [1982] VR 515
(BEACH, J)Zha & Wun (No 8) [2024] FedCFamC1F 648 (25 September 2024)
(SCHONELL J)mentionsTransport Industries Insurance Co Ltd v Longmuir [1997] 1 VR 125
(Winneke P; Tadgell and Phillips JJA)TABLOID PTY LTD -v- PRINGLE [2024] WASCA 152 (5 DECEMBER 2024)
(VAUGHAN JA, TOTTLE J, VANDONGEN JA)mentionsH & Q Cafe v Melbourne Cafe (2023) 72 VR 53
(Niall and Kennedy JJA; J Forrest AJA)DPP v Bacash [2024] VCC 1946 (26 November 2024)
(HER HONOUR JUDGE MARICH)mentionsMarkovic v The Queen (2010) 30 VR 589
(Maxwell P, Nettle, Neave, Redlich and Weinberg JJA)Bowden v The Queen (2013) 44 VR 229
(Redlich, Coghlan JJA and Dixon AJA)I Cook Foods Pty Ltd v Greater Dandenong City Council (Subpoena Ruling) [2024] VSC 750 (5 December 2024)
(McCann JR)mentionsChiodo Investments Pty Ltd v Rilac Pty Ltd (2023) 71 VR 161
(LUNDBERG J)mentionsRe Miscamble's Application [1966] VR 596
(LEMONIS J)mentionsClarke v Norton [1910] VLR 494
(CUSSEN, J.)David Syme & Co Ltd v Hore-Lacy (2000) 1 VR 667
(Ormiston, Charles & Callaway, Jj.A)Hore-Lacy v Cleary (2007) 18 VR 562
(Ashley, Neave and Redlich JJA)Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water Corporation v Di Masi (2014) 43 VR 348
(Warren CJ, Tate and Beach JJA)Setka v Abbott (2014) 44 VR 352
(Warren CJ, Ashley and Whelan JJA)Jali Local Aboriginal Land Council v Anderson [2024] NSWCATOD 197 (06 December 2024)
(Seiden SC DCJ, Deputy President)mentionsHughes v National Trustees Executors and Agency Co Of Australasia [1978] VR 257
(MCINERNEY, J)Burns v Grigg [1967] VR 871
(BARRY, LITTLE and GOWANS, JJ)Vamadevan v The King [2024] NSWCCA 223 (06 December 2024)
(Bell CJ; Payne JA; N Adams J; Chen J; Rigg J.)mentionsAtanackovic v The Queen (2015) 45 VR 179
(Weinberg, Kyrou and Kaye JJA)Boulton v The Queen (2014) 46 VR 308
(Maxwell P, Nettle, Neave, Redlich and Osborn JJA)DPP v Wood [2024] VCC 1893 (25 November 2024)
(HIS HONOUR JUDGE LAURITSEN)mentionsR v Verdins (2007) 16 VR 269
(Maxwell P; Eames and Neave JJA)DPP v Haidaris [2024] VCC 1768 (7 November 2024)
(HIS HONOUR JUDGE LAURITSEN)mentionsR v Verdins (2007) 16 VR 269
(Maxwell P; Eames and Neave JJA)Boulton v The Queen (2014) 46 VR 308
(Maxwell P, Nettle, Neave, Redlich and Osborn JJA)Director of Public Prosecutions v Edwards (2012) 44 VR 114
(Warren CJ, Weinberg JA and Williams AJA)DPP v Daniels (a pseudonym) [2024] VCC 1854 (18 November 2024)
(Karapanagiotidis)mentionsClarkson v The Queen (2011) 32 VR 361
(Maxwell ACJ, Nettle, Neave, Redlich and Harper JJA)Stalio v The Queen (2012) 46 VR 426
(Neave and Osborn JJA and King AJA)Azzopardi v The Queen (2011) 35 VR 43
(Redlich JA, Coghlan and Macaulay Ajja)R v Merrett (2007) 14 VR 392
(Maxwell, P., Chernov, J.A and Habersberger, A.J.A)Adani Mining Pty Ltd v Pennings [2024] QSC 302 (6 December 2024)
(Brown J)mentionsConstruction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union v Boral Resources (Vic) Pty Limited(ACN 004 620 731) and , Alsafe Premix Concrete (ACN 003 290 999)and , Boral Bricks (ACN 082 448 342)and , Boral. (2014) 45 VR 571
(Maxwell P, Neave, Redlich and Beach JJA and Kaye AJA)Condran v Collis [2024] NSWSC 1574 (06 December 2024)
(Slattery J)mentionsMoreland Timber Co. Pty. . v Reid [1946] VLR 237
(FULL COURT (Herring C.J., Macfarlan and O’Bryan JJ.).)Ney v Queensland Police Service [2024] QCAT 527 (11 November 2024)
(Member Jensen)mentionsAnimal Liberation (Vic) Inc v Gasser [1991] 1 VR 51
(Crockett, Fullagar and Nathan JJ)R v Coomber [2024] NSWDC 579 (06 November 2024)
(Newlinds SC DCJ)mentionsClarkson v The Queen (2011) 32 VR 361
(Maxwell ACJ, Nettle, Neave, Redlich and Harper JJA)Larman v Homolka [2024] VSC 756 (5 December 2024)
(Ginnane J)mentionsChang v Neill (2019) 62 VR 174
(Maxwell Acj, Beach and Kyrou JJA)Brighton Automotive Holdings Pty Ltd v Honda Australia Pty Ltd (No 3) [2024] VSC 753 (6 December 2024)
(Matthews J)mentionsHazeldene's Chicken Farm Pty Ltd v Victorian Workcover Authority (No 2) (2005) 13 VR 435
(Warren, C.J, Maxwell, P., Harper, A.J.A)Muscatello v Check Inn Systems Pty Ltd [2024] VSC 745 (4 December 2024)
(Harris J)mentionsCooma Clothing Pty Ltd v Create Invest Develop Pty Ltd (2013) 46 VR 447
(Nettle and Neave JJA)Muto v Secretary to the Department of Planning and Community Development (2013) 38 VR 293
(Nettle AP and Neave JA)Spencer v Coroners Court of Victoria [2024] VSC 757 (6 December 2024)
(Richards J)mentionsPriest v West (2012) 40 VR 521
(Maxwell P, Harper and Tate JJA)STATE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL and BARRATT [2024] WASAT 138 (6 DECEMBER 2024)
mentionsConstruction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union v Grocon Constructors (Victoria) Pty Ltd (2014) 47 VR 527
(Ashley, Redlich and Weinberg JJA)Alexander Lew v State of Victoria T/A Office of Public Prosecutions [2024] FWC 3344 (3 DECEMBER 2024)
(COMMISSIONER JOHNS)mentionsFletcher Construction Australia Ltd v Lines MacFarlane & Marshall Pty Ltd (No 2) (2002) 6 VR 1
(Charles, Buchanan and Chernov, Jj.A)